Momentum Exists » Posters Pending 0001 – 6 posters » Posters Pending: You Dial it Up Down – Yes You
Posters Pending: You Dial it Up Down – Yes You

you dial it up down – yes you (poster pending)
Poster: You Dial it Up Down – Yes You
This poster, is a statement to stimulate thought regarding the driver being responsible for ALL the momentum of their vehicle.
It is a statement in itself, but points 1 and 2 below, are on which the logic of this awareness poster is founded…… followed by the notion that:
* You….. (the driver)….. are responsible for your vehicle’s momentum.
* You….. (the driver)….. are responsible to “dial it up” and “dial it down”….. safely.
* Yes You….. (being a polite, assertive finish to the poster meseege)
1. Quantity of momentum = “some” or “none”
A moving vehicle has a quantity of momentum = “some”
A stationary vehicle has a quantity of momentum = “none“
2. You (the driver) “dial it up” and “dial it down”
As a driver is the responsible person to get a vehicle moving:
So, a driver therefore….. “dials up” the momentum (accelerates the vehicle… safely)
As a driver is the responsible person to get a vehicle stopped:
So, a driver therefore….. “dials down” the momentum (brakes the vehicle… safely)
This posters relation to momentum is:
That the driver is fully responsible to “dial it up” and “dial it down”….. safely….. this awareness regarding drivers responsibility is important and relevant to road safety
Help Files:
Momentum Explained, in 3 easy parts:
For an explanation of momentum, relating to road safety….. momentum has been honed, simply, into 3 easy parts….. found in the category: Momentum Explained
ME01. Momentum is a quantity….. you have ‘none’ or you have ‘some’.
ME02. Momentum is obtained & lost….. you ‘dial it up’ and you ‘dial it down’.
ME03. Momentum is variable….. you change the mass and/or you change the velocity.
For this poster – You Dial it Up Down – Yes You:
ME01 & ME02 are relevant….. ME03 is useful
These posters are pending, so it’s….. Your turn:
Honed, useful feedback and comments are welcomed.
Chip in (road users, road officials, designers, social professionals, science & techs, fundraisers & grant application specialists, etc)….. all interested in road safety….. able to perceive potential of concept.
The initial goals (all images) are:
1. To stimulate… Awareness to momentum and its presence on our roads.
2. To stimulate… Discussion and argument (debate) from road users, in response to seeing this image and being aware of the accompanying explanations available (applied in a campaign and for now, found here on this website).
Two questions are asked of this poster:
1. If you knew what momentum was…. would you recognise the poster to be correct?
2. Would you agree, momentum is relevant to road safety?
Discuss and/or Deliberate in your forums
Filed under: Posters Pending 0001 – 6 posters · Tags: road safety, pending, posters, dial it up, dial it down
You can place any feedback relating to the poster, but these 2 key question points would be useful:
1. If you knew what momentum was…. would you recognise the poster to be correct?
2. Would you agree, momentum is relevant to road safety?
Posters are up on facebook
Discuss and/or Deliberate in your forums
The poster seems more informative (good easy to grasp summary). It takes a little more time to take in messege (very good messege).
Road side – perhaps
Magazine – certainly
It is thought provokin. The ending (yesy you) is superb.
This would certainly stimulate general public curiousity and teach awareness.
The answer and the reasoning, given in the description above is superb. So would have to be included in the campaign general. The benefit regarding momentum is high.
The idea that drivers are responsible for their own generated momentum is brilliant.
The idea that drivers are given the superb term “dial it up” and “dial it down” is brilliant
I vote it worthy. 10/10 with info available in campaign
This is another that would be great as part of a long term campaign.
It forces awareness that “YOU” are responsible.
Great for consideration to considerate/appropriate MOMENTUM that the “driver” is responsible for.
Nicely Done